Did you know you can create a 10ml roller ball with essential oils or an essential oil blend without an assessment and using CLP?
Here is what is required - of course check the IFRA of the blend to see what percentage is to be used.
The CLP classification for a rollerball product works in the same way as for a candle and depends on the concentration of the CLP hazards in the finished product and provided the essential oils are the only ingredients with a CLP classification/hazards then the CLP classification of the finished product (rollerball) depends on the CLP hazards of the essential oils and their concentration in the finished product.
When supplying a blend of essential oils for a rollerball application you would treat it in the same way you do when supplying blends for candles. The total use concentration of essential oils in a rollerball would typically be 3-5% so you could supply an SDS with the CLP classification and labelling elements for a blend to be diluted at 3% and or 5% for example.
This is a great product to add to your range - and if you pick the aromatherapy property blends like Sleep, Uplift or Anxiety, you will be on to a winner